…But no plans yet from government for more early roll-outs of the NDIS. Speaking to F2L at the possABLE IDEAS Expo in Penrith, the Minister for Social Services, Scott Morrison said what has been announced to date was the government’s plan. “It is very important in rolling out the NDIS that we get the pace right and don’t unrealistically raise expectations. We need to communicate very clearly about what can potentially be provided and work closely with those families and people with disabilities so they have a good understanding of what may be on offer.”

Asked about the NDIS schedule in Queensland, the Minister said the government would continue to work with the Queensland Government as it works with all governments, “but it will take its pace based on the relationships and working through of issues with each of the states. There is nothing but good faith for this process but it will move at a pace that those partnerships and the working arrangements allow.” The Queensland Government recently announced an early launch of the NDIS and a full transition to the full NDIS across the state from July 1, 2016 although no details about the launch site and roll-out date have been confirmed.

The Penrith and Blue Mountains region was the first in the country to benefit from a direct roll-out of the scheme rather than running with a trial. The first recipients in the area will receive their support packages in September and the first shop front in Penrith has opened with offices in Katoomba and Windsor being finalised now.

Minister Morrison also spoke about additional funding through the ‘Jobs for Families’ package that delivers new childcare arrangements for children with special needs. Starting on July 1, 2016, the inclusion support program will see mainstream childcare centres around the country providing extra services, particularly for children with disability.