French company, Proludic has been recognised in the 2023 Good Design Awards for its inclusive ACTI’FUN outdoor fitness equipment for children and adults. There are three ranges, ACTI’Ninja, ACTI’Street and ACTI’Fit using sustainably sourced, recycled and recyclable materials, said to be suited to Australian conditions. 

Central to the design of all three is their appeal to all body types, with mixed ability, and intergenerational, and inclusive engagement built in. The inclusive ACTI’Street range is suitable for people of all ages from 14 years, for all abilities and is tailored for wheelchair users.

There is a variety of play equipment that a child can use while sitting in a wheelchair such as the trampoline, seesaw and carousel, at the Lt Cantenello Playground in Liverpool, Sydney, (pictured).

Key elements of this playground are ease of access, even surfaces, shade and seating. One of the main features is a large inclusive and accessible bespoke adventure tower which stands over seven metres tall. It includes custom designed graphics of gumtree leaves, attached to the tower structure. Designed for children from 2 to 12 years, the tower offers an extensive combination of physical and interactive play activities.

The ACTI’Fit range with outdoor fitness stations and equipment that was inspired by those used in indoor gyms, is also inclusive with adapted exercise modules that foster mixed use including modules accessible to wheelchair users. The diversity of equipment provides a fun fitness meeting place for all, from 10 years old through to older adults, for all fitness abilities, either individually or in groups.