Youngcare is partnering with BIGSOUND22, showcasing accessibility at one of the biggest music gigs held in the Southern Hempisphere.

This event will be a first for a mainstream music festival, delivering an inclusive music experience for both artists and audience members of all abilities. Taking inspiration and guidance from Groove Tunes, it will provide wheelchair stage access, accessible bar heights, Auslan interpreters, a chill out space and reduction of the use of strobe lights.

Youngcare CEO Greg Johnson said the event will set a new benchmark for inclusivity for the Australian music industry and festivals everywhere. “We are proud to be at the forefront of inclusivity in our organisation’s hometown of Brisbane.”

Youngcare stage accessibility ambassador, musician Tim McCallum said there has been many advances in recent years with festivals such as Ability Fest producing accessible events. “The Youngcare stage continues this legacy through the support provided to artists with disability.”

BIGSOUND22’s Youngcare Stage will be supported by Groove Tunes, a concept delivering a night of accessible entertainment, highlighting artists with disability in the live music industry curated by Dina Bassile, founder of Tibi Access, a disability-led consultancy that aims to create excellent standards of accessibility in the music industry.

Among the many artists gracing the stage is Melbourne-based singer, songwriter and disability advocate Saint Ergo.

The festival will be held from September 6-8 at the Outpost bar in Fortitude Valley, Brisbane.