Ticketek has rolled out an online accessible ticket booking platform, making it easier for people with disability, companions, family and friends to purchase tickets online. The new digital solution allows customers to choose specific seats within a venue to match their needs and buy accessible and non-accessible tickets within the same transaction.

The digital booking option will be gradually released to other venues where Ticketek is the authorised ticketing provider.

 There are several types of accessible seating available through the new platform, including for customers who use wheelchairs, require easy access, have a vision impairment or use a hearing loop. Companion tickets can also be purchased to redeem a complimentary companion ticket for any seat within a venue. Accessible seating tickets can also be purchased online and in real-time, including high-demand events.

 Ticketek managing director, Cameron Hoy, said Ticketek is levelling the playing field for people with disabilities wishing to attend events where Ticketek offers authorised ticketing. “Our engineers have built a world-class and equitable experience, and like all technology it will evolve over time. Ticketek are committed to working with its partners, advocacy groups and industry stakeholders to ensure our solution continues to meet industry standards and leverages the latest technology available to facilitate the best user experience for all consumers,” he said.

 Physical Disability Council of NSW CEO Ed Morris said the changes mean fans who need accessible tickets can now purchase them from Ticketek like everybody else. “We will be conducting a focus group with Ticketek and look forward to hearing what our community think of this new platform and continue working with Ticketek to achieve equal access to its services,” he said.

 According to Spinal Life Australia CEO Mark Townend it’s the same customer experience whether people have a disability or not and sets a new benchmark in accessibility for all Australian companies to aspire to. “We call on all event organisers, venue and facility managers to follow this great example of improved access and inclusion.”

 The most up to date information on accessible bookings is available at: https://help.ticketek.com.au/hc/en-us/articles/360001880427-How-do-I-book-an-Accessible-Ticket-.

Or contact Ticketek’s accessible seating hotline on: 1300 665 915 where a trained Ticketek staff member can discuss their accessible seating needs.