Finbar Mills Queenslander Finbar Mills is learning to walk again following a motor cross accident in 2009. He is restarting his career, studying for a Bachelor of Communication and involved in side projects with disability awareness campaigns and spinal injury awareness groups. Mills has benefited from new 3D technology being used in two Brisbane hospitals that gives a precise profile of gait and movement to improve function.

“Results showed how my propulsion was not being fully utilised and the order I used muscles in talking steps. Comparing these results to a normal gait pattern helped the therapist distinguish key areas that required attention through training. I have since used that data in the private sector working with an exercise physiologist.”

The most challenging thing about your life?

Re-starting my career from scratch and trying to pay the bills. I think the challenging part is trying to be patient with my body and accepting that there are things that I can’t do without a little help and time. But I suppose this is the same for everyone.

Are there any areas of rehabilitation you believe are not being met?

I believe the support financially is not being met. I find the public service is inadequate at dealing with the intense degree of rehabilitation required. There are services in the private sector that I have received amazing results from, however these are costly.

Any comments about the NDIS?

It is too early to tell what it will or won’t be. I can only comment on what I want it to be. I want assistance with rehabilitation that will get me back on my feet fully un-assisted as the potential is there it just needs the work. Also assistance with equipment is important.  Wheelchairs are expensive and my new chair costs $11,000. There are different types of chairs and equipment available that can assist people in living life to the max despite their disability i.e sport chairs. However, if you can’t afford them you miss out. These are the things that would be great at assisting me and others.  If you can help disabled peoples get out into the world we can get on with our lives.

Which living person would you most like to meet and why?

John Howard, which is odd I know but politics is something that we all take for example as it impacts all our lives. He (Howard) looks like a nice bloke also and has done some great things for our nation. And all of the beastie boys, RIP MCA – they are the music of my life.

In your spare time you love to…?

Play video games or get out into nature, since living in the city I have felt extremely cooped up.

What is your most treasured possession?

It would have to be the mobile phone because where would I be without it? It certainly makes my life easier.

The next big thing in your life you hope will be…?

Finishing university and getting into a fulltime job again.  I want to get more travel into my life as there is so much to see and do and I am impatient. I have a few exciting things on the horizon but you will have to stay tuned….it involves a mountain!