The NSW State Election will be held in March. The Australian Electoral Commission has a list of options available for people who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, are blind or have low vision to make it easier for them to vote online or over the telephone using iVote.

You can vote using iVote if you:

  • Are blind or have low vision
  • Are unable to vote without assistance or have difficulty voting at a voting centre because of a disability or have difficulties reading
  • Are a silent elector
  • Live more than 20km from a voting centre
  • Will be interstate or overseas on election day.

The contact numbers for iVote are:  1300 2 iVote (1300 24 86 83 within Australia or +61 2 9290 5287 from overseas).

For people who are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment contact the National Relay Service (NRS).

  • TTY uses phone 133 677 and ask for 1300 135 736
  • Speak and Listen users phone 1300 555 727 and ask for 1300 135 736
  • Internet relay users connect to the NDR then ask for 1300 135 736

Voting and verifying your vote with the iVote system is now available in six languages, in addition to English.