The latest version of Dragon NaturallySpeaking software offers expanded capabilities for translating voice to text. The on-board feature are said to make it especially useful, just by speaking, for those with limited physical mobility, who have difficulty using a keyboard and mouse or have a learning difficulty.

An Australian teacher with dyslexia and dysgraphia claims using the NaturallySpeaking software has helped him overcome his impediments. Matt Buttsworth said that in addition to using the software to compile notes and create lecture booklets he can type letters and correspondence, send emails and surf the net.  In class, the software has become a powerful teacher’s aid. Hooking up his Dragon enabled computer to a projector screen helps him dictate text for students without the need to write.

“My students no longer have to put up with my writing, which starts off okay but ends up with numerous spelling mistakes and as an illegible scrawl.” He added that “the more the device is used the better you get at it.”

In an ideal world Buttsworth would like to see the tool implemented as a nation-wide education policy to allow students with dyslexia or dysgraphia to escape these handicaps, allowing them to perform to full potential.

Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 claims to be the fastest and most accurate speech recognition software available for the PC. It will turn voice into text and actionable commands faster than most people can type.  It makes it easier to navigate, command and control a PC by voice, supporting dictation for Microsoft Word and web applications including email and social media. Dragon 13 also offers support for many microphone options, including for the first time, microphones built-in to many of the latest laptops with no headset required. The device automatically detects which microphones are available to use by selecting the users preference.

A Dragon Dictate for Mac Version 4 and Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 Premium and Home  are also available.

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