Wiesel FINALHousing for people living with disability is the main topic for discussion at this Symposium. And how timely it is given there will be major implications for housing assistance as the NDIS gradually rolls out across the country.

The symposium brings together a broad group of speakers and will invite challenging questions about the NDIS, and in particular housing. The Symposium will also examine how both the social and private housing sectors can work together, including people in the NDIS, and discuss how housing can be visitable, neighbourhood inclusive and achievable.

The Minister for Housing and Public Works, Michael de Brenni will open the event and present the Queensland Governments new housing strategy. The speakers list includes Dr llan Wiesel from City Futures Research Centre, University of NSW (pictured) who will report on the latest disability housing research; Padmini Saxena, director of housing, NDIA, will discuss NDIS housing strategy and Mike Allen, chair, Disability Housing Futures Working Group intends speaking about the financial modelling. Three people with disability will also discuss their disability housing experiences with the audience.

The NDIS Symposium is the seventh in a series organised by the university and the third to cover housing. Another symposium is scheduled for August 2016. Concession tickets are available for people with disability, their families, carers and students. A hearing loop, live captioning and Auslan interpreters will be provided at the event.

The symposium will be held at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre on February 15.

For more information and to register visit: ndissymposia@griffith.edu.au