A fee-free certificate course for disability support and aged care workers will be held in Brisbane in April.

The course is delivered by registered training organisation Horizion2, and the approximately 21-week part-time course commences at community services group, Carinity Illoura in Beaudesert on April 11.

“This course is an opportunity to get qualified at no cost, with funding by the Queensland Government through its Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiative,” according to Diana Clift from Carinity Illoura.

Following completion of the Certificate III in Individual Support (CHC33021), graduates can work in the disability support and aged care industries in roles including personal carer, home care assistant and respite care worker. Students also receive 120 hours of vocational placement exiting the course with practical work experience, Clift said.

To enrol or register for the course phone:  07 5541 1955 or visit www.carinity.org.au/training