A collection of accessible and inclusive products and solutions were recognised at the 2023 Good Design Awards in a showcase of design and innovation.

Cerebral Palsy Alliance won a Good Design Award in the Social Impact category for My Voice Library, a world-first data-driven application in communication solutions for children with dysarthria. Another Good Design winner in this category was Guide Dogs Australia with Catchup, an online networking platform for people who are blind or with low vision.

A Gold Award winner in the Medical and Scientific category was Concourse Technology with its Concourse Smart Wheel that transforms a manual wheelchair to power in seconds. Aucuro won in this category too, with a Good Design Award for its Walking Stick that features an adjustable shaft and medical grade pinlock system. Another Gold Award winner in the Hardware and Building category was Aliro with an accessible and assisted living bathroom collection that combines functionality and safety with aesthetics.

“There were some impressive innovations across a broad range of categories including agriculture, environment, technology and product design, all centred around using design to solve meaningful problems,” Good Design Australia CEO Brandon Gien said.

Photo: My Voice Library

Photo: Aucuro Walking Stick