The Disability Royal Commission will roll out national information sessions “What Australia Told Us!” that will share major themes heard from people with disability and the community throughout the course of the inquiry.

The information sessions will launch on March 16, 2023 in Brisbane and travel to all capital cities. Free tickets for the Brisbane event are available here.

Throughout the inquiry, the Royal Commission has emphasised the need for community engagement and participation to help in shaping its findings and recommendations. The “What Australia Told Us!” information sessions are an initiative aimed at sharing what was heard.

The Final Report, which is due to be delivered to the Governor-General by September 29, 2023 will contain detailed information about experiences of violence, abuse neglect and exploitation of people with disabilities across Australia.

While the information sessions are not able to address the findings and recommendations it is an opportunity for people to connect with the Royal Commission and learn about its work.

Auslan Interpreters will be present at the event and additional accessibility requirements can be made as part of the online registration process.

Further information and registrations can be accessed on the Royal Commission’s website.