Labor law

Almost 60 per cent of NDIS legacy appeal cases have now been cleared through an overhauled dispute resolution processes.

This included an Independent Expert Review (IER) Pathway pilot that helped resolve disputes arising from earlier NDIS decisions. The new process was designed to reduce the number of appeals that progress to hearing in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

“The panel, led by former Disability Discrimination Commissioner Dr Graeme Innes, will be expanded with Phase 2 of the pilot, with 16 new members joining the IER to support the resolution of more than 200 additional cases.

A participant support hotline is available that provides independent advocacy and legal support for cases being considered by the panel. 

“The progress of the expert review pilot means NDIS participants voices can be heard through a faster process when appealing a National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) decision about their supports,” NDIS Minister Bill Shorten said.