Communication tools to help students with autism at a Melbourne college are said to be producing ‘life changing’ results. St Paul’s College run by not-for-profit organisation VMCH supports 65 per cent of students who are on the autism spectrum.

St Paul’s speech pathologists Mia Chow and Lauren Bisignano use a range of tools to help students communicate, including Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). AAC uses Key Word Signs, communication boards and books, and a dedicated communication device to help increase students’ understanding of verbal language and give them a way to communicate, besides talking.

They have had students who are either minimally speaking or non-speaking make the realisation that their communication device is their voice. “Once this connection is made their whole world opens and the possibilities are endless,” pathologists said. “Working with the student, together with their teachers and families, is fantastic, especially when we open the door to alternative communication and get that ball rolling. We love making a difference in the lives of those we work with.”

April is World Autism Acceptance Month, aimed at increasing awareness about life for autistic adults and children, and tackle misinformation and myths about living with autism.