Serious young syndrome down man sitting and reading at home around piles of books

Telescope Writing Awards 2023, an annual award for writers with a disability run by Scope’s Community Inclusion Service, is now open for submissions There are six categories including fiction, biography, poetry and illustrated text, with this year’s theme: Write to be heard.’

Anyone with a disability over 12 years of age can enter Telescope with sections for: the adult category (over 18 years of age); young writer category (12-17 years of age) and groups.

The criteria:

Non-fiction: Including autobiography, essay, historical writing, etc.

Fiction: A short story or part of a novel into the fiction category.

Poetry or song lyrics.

Illustrated text including graphic novel/comic/zines for entries that combine words and pictures.

Group award (of any category).

Young writer’s award (up to 17 years of any category).

Competition rules:

It must be written by you but is acceptable to have had support in getting your idea down and is no longer than 1000 words. However, part of a longer piece is fine, with details in the comments section of the entry form.

All writing will be sent to the Telescope judges, who are experienced writers. Awards will be in first, second and third place per category, and at the judges request, honourable mentions.

Winners will be announced at a readings and awards event in late November 2023 and all entrants will be invited to attend. Details of prizes to be confirmed.

As part of Scope Community Inclusion’s relationship with the Melbourne Fringe Festival, a writing piece may be considered for submission to be part of the festival. If the work is considered, the writer will be notified prior to the festival.

Entries close October 16, 2023.

Award winners will be announced on November 30, 2023.

Information and entry forms are available on the Scope website at:

Send writing/entry form or questions to: or call: 1300 472 673.