Return2Sport, an initiative of Royal Rehab, was held in Sydney recently. The expo offered a variety of sport and recreation activities as well as providing information, advice and access from sport and recreation from over 50 organisations. Part of the 2-day program included numerous Q&A sessions with a number of sporting identites.

The Minister for Sport & Recreation, Gabrielle Upton, with Return2Sport ambassador, Adam Kellerman, ranked number one in Australia for wheelchair tennis, pictured at the expo.

Study into Sport Uptake Rates: The University of Sydney is doing a survey on disability and sports uptake. This study into sport participation rates for Australians with a disability is being carried out by The University of Sydney, in collaboration with Royal Rehab.

The research aims to measure sport and physical activity and explore barriers to involvement in sport for those with a disability. The research will hopefully lead to what can be done to encourage greater involvement in sport from this group. People attending the 2013 Return2Sport Expo in Sydney recently were asked for input and their take-up rate in sport will be measured six months after attending the event.