In a partnership first, the Salvation Army has introduced a pilot program what will have two NDIS workers based at its Bourke Street, Melbourne location to assist homeless people with disability to navigate the NDIS.

NDIS Minister Bill Shorten said the initiative is good news for people who are homeless and live with a disability who can now go to Project 614 on Bourke Street and get advice on how to plug into the NDIS.

“A skilled operator from the NDIS will be available to explain to people on the margins of society if they have a severe disability, how they can get some much-needed moral support,” he said.

“We are also celebrating 12 months of embedding 18 skilled Centrelink operators across Australia’s frontline homelessness organisations, to make sure that people who are on the margins of our society are not forgotten. The undocumented Australians who are doing it to get a chance to just avail themselves of the basics.”