
Chair of the National Disability Insurance Agency reaffirms his confidence in the NDIS. As a recent series of events has the Coalition Government scrambling for explanations.

In an open letter to Australians with disability, their families and carers, Bruce Bonyhady said each time the NDIS experienced challenges, hundreds and thousands of Australians feared the worst: “That the NDIS won’t reach them and help change their lives for the better. The NDIS will be delivered in full, right across Australia,” he said.

Bonyhady admitted there had been significant issues with the new NDIS portal which was now operating successfully with 96 per cent of payments being processed and paid within 48 hours. He added that looking ahead some of the challenges will be big and others small and not everything will be right first time.  “However, our track record of agile, measured and highly effective responses should give the Australian community confidence that we are building the NDIS successfully.”

At the recent Disability Reform Council Meeting Bonyhady told the ministers responsible he had full confidence that the scheme would be delivered on time and on budget.  Significant additional resources have since been allocated to the agency by the Minister for Social Services, Christian Porter.  The minister has announced plans to establish an NDIS transition management team to address all outstanding portal issues and participant plan approval targets. This was in addition to the appointment of a chief operating office to oversee matters during the transition.

Bruce Bonyhady with his two sons on Father’s Day