the text mental health written in a white jigsaw puzzle piece on a blue background

The Centre for Developmental Disability Health at Monash Health has launched My Lived iD: a ‘one-stop-shop’ that supports the mental health of people living with intellectual disability.

The online hub and services directory gives access to information, resources and healthcare services to support people with intellectual disability with their mental health and deliver better wellbeing outcomes.

Carers, family members, friends and healthcare professionals are encouraged to use the website too.

My Lived iD has key accessibility tools to ensure everyone who visits can find the support they need, including easy to read English and 14 other languages, font size and contrast adjustment options and a ‘listen button’ on top of pages. The website also offers a range of free learning courses.

“We have heard that people with intellectual disability may be missing out on mental health support due to difficulties navigating and researching information and services”, the Centre’s head, Reece Adams said. 

The guiding principle behind the establishment of My Lived iD was ‘nothing about us, without us’.

“From the beginning stakeholders from the disability community were included in the process to ensure the project achieved the right outcomes.”

An extensive co-design process involving three separate workshops was undertaken to ensure the hub met the needs of people with intellectual disability, was easy to navigate and user-friendly.

“Involvement from the disability community was essential to ensure My Lived iD met its primary objectives,” he said.

The platform is also available for service providers to post and share information. Mental Health services and programs can request their service or program be listed in the directory.

For details visit: