CYDA (Children and Young People with Disability Australia) is seeking input on the development of its next three-year Strategic Plan.

The peak body is looking to hear from young people aged 15-25 who have a disability about their experiences and aspirations. They are also seeking feedback from families and caregivers of children and young people aged 0-25 who have a disability.

The Strategic Plan will be used to guide CYDA’s advocacy for children and young people with a disability over the next three years.

To enable each group to have their say, CYDA is holding four focus groups: two for young people with a disability, and two for families and caregivers. The sessions will be facilitated by Sue Kelsall from Rapid Impact and CYDA Youth Trainee and member of our Strategic Plan Subcommittee Dylan McBurney.

The focus groups will be held on Zoom on Wednesday 21 February and Thursday 22 February and will run for one hour. Participants will receive a gift card valued at $75 for their time and insights.

Register your interest by clicking on a link below to the focus group you would like to participate in:

Young people with disability (aged 15 – 25):

Families/carers of children/young people with disability aged 0 – 25:

For more information contact CYDA via email or via phone on 1800 222 660.