As the Federal Government’s planned changes to the NDIS dominate debate and headlines, the focus is shifting to supports for those outside the NDIS.

These supports are known as Foundational Supports, and a new discovery project is seeking what those supports should look like.

The Disability Dialogue, a hub for people with disability is working together to come up with ideas and solutions to issues facing the community and is calling for feedback from people with disability, their families and carers on these supports. Those who wish to have their say must fill out an online survey form about what supports they currently have, and what they wish they had. Responses will be kept anonymous.

Once the survey has closed, all responses will be collated and analysed, with a report on the responses to follow. A free online event called Open Dialogue will then be held to present the report to stakeholders.

The Disability Dialogue is focused on amplifying and enabling disabled voices. It is led by Disability Advocacy Network Australia (DANA), Inclusion Australia, Melbourne Disability Institute, and Alliance.

DANA acting CEO El Gibbs has called on people with disability to share their thoughts through the survey.

“People with disability know their communities and situations best, so now is the time to have your say,” she said. “…people with disability, families and supporters and allies can tell us about their vision for what is being call Foundational Supports. These are new services and supports that governments are working on so all people with disability have what we need to be included in the community.”

Find out more or complete the survey here