A disability research and policy hub has been unveiled by the Federal Government. The National Disability Research Partnership, led by the University of Melbourne Disability Institute, will bring experts in disability policy and research from around the world together here for the first time.

Minister for Social Services, Anne Ruston, said the partnership will promote the use of evidence-based policy and practice to ensure people with disability have equal opportunities and are included in all aspects of community life.

“It will focus on disability and mainstream services including education, health, housing and justice and facilitate research which recognises the diversity of experiences for people with disability,” she said.

NDIS Minister Stuart Robert, said over the next two years, the partnership will prepare and progress a research agenda, research capability roadmap, and practical guides for disability‑inclusive research in partnership with the disability community.

“Australia has seen unprecedented change in disability policy over the last decade, including the introduction of the NDIS, which is built on the premise of giving people with disability choice and control over the supports they receive,” he said.

The government has committed $15 million for the development of the National Disability Data Asset and is finalising the new National Disability Strategy with states and territories.

For more information visit: https://www.ndrp.org.au/.