Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA) is forming a Youth Executive to help young people with disability navigate the NDIS.

‘The Compass’ comprises 10 to 12 (aged 18-25) with disability who will have a direct pathway to influence CYDA by sharing their knowledge and lived experience. There is also the opportunity to work closely with the CYDA Board, to learn about board functioning and structures, with the potential to join the CYDA Board in the future.

To nominate go to: website and Easy Read
CYDA is also recruiting for its 2021 National Youth Disability Summit Co-design Committee and wants to hear from a young person with disability aged between 15-25 who would like to join the committee in a paid role.
The organisation has been advocating strongly against the Federal Government’s proposed introduction of Independent Assessments, as part of the NDIS planned changes.
Recently Gi Brown, a young person with disability and CYDA CEO, Mary Sayers gave evidence at the Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS Inquiry into Independent Assessments. Three young people also met with NDIS Minister Linda Reynolds to share their concerns about the NDIS changes.
CYDA together with disability advocacy colleagues also met in Sydney with the NDIS Minister and presented to her with:  A way forward for the NDIS: Terms of Engagement with the disability community. The five ‘terms of engagement’ outline the way it wants the government and the NDIS to work with people with disability, their families and the community.