Take a trip to regional homes, workplaces, concert halls, sporting clubs and local pubs in rural communities and discover some unique stories in a new podcast.

From the Outskirts as it title suggests presents stories from 12 women from rural and regional Victoria whose individual voices of strength and individuality will be amplified across the world.

Local radio, interviewer Liz Wright visited the homes of the women across the state. 

Series one of the podcast,  created by Women with Disabilities Victoria (WDV), introduces listeners to musicians, mothers, partners, artists and changemakers. All so different, yet united by their experiences of the world around them.

“Women with Disabilities Victoria is an organisation dedicated to empowering women with disabilities and sharing the stories. We know some women who live and work across regional and rural Victoria often face additional barriers,” WDV CEO Nadia Mattiazzo said.  “The podcast series has created an opportunity for regional and rural women with disabilities to be seen and heard. 

“Listening to the podcasts or reading the transcripts and learning the stories of these 12 unique voices, with their diverse interests, lifestyles, and backgrounds has been a privilege,” she said.

There will be an event in Bendigo on Saturday September 9 to celebrate the launch.

From the Outskirts will be launched across podcast platforms from September 9 and also includes a commemorative magazine with various accessible versions available from www.wdv.org.au