A Call for Papers for the National Brain Injury Conference is now open with December 1, 2023 the closing date for submissions for one of the leading events on the disability calendar.

The conference invites people with lived experience of brain injury, family members, carers, researchers, clinicians, allied health professionals, service providers and policy makers to submit proposals for presentations on everything relating to brain injury.

Presentation proposals include the following areas: The lived experience of brain injury; Innovations in evidence-based approaches to acute care, recovery and rehabilitation with brain injury; and CALD communities. All presenters receive free conference registration.

International keynote speakers include: Dr Mark Bayley, professor and Coriat Family Chair in Rehabilitation Innovations at The University of Toronto and program medical director and psychiatrist-in-chief at the University Health Network-Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, who leads large-scale national and international implementation science and knowledge translation research aimed at improving recovery from brain injury; Dr Eve Valera, director of the Valera Lab, associate professor in psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and research scientist at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. For the last 25 years, she has pioneered the study of domestic and family violence and acquired brain injury in women; and Dr Rik Lemoncello clinical associate professor of medical speech-language pathology at the Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences at Portland State University in Oregon. His work focuses on collaborative, functional rehabilitation that supports community re-integration and social participation for adults with acquired brain injury.

The conference will be opened by SA Human Resources Minister Nat Cook, who, before entering politics, spent nearly 30 years as a nurse in specialty areas including brain injury rehabilitation. After her 17-year-old son, Sam, died in 2008 due to a traumatic brain injury from a one-punch assault, Nat and her husband set up The Sammy D Foundation which has educated over 180,000 young people about the consequences of violent behaviour and the risks associated with alcohol and drug misuse.

The conference will be held from September 24-26, 2024 at the Adelaide Oval.

For more details email: info@interpoint.com.au or phone Interpoint Events on: 1300 789 845